AAA Auto Services & Resources

Helping to keep you on the road

Request roadside onlineCall 800-AAA-HELP

Scenic road for driver with AAA insurance.

When you’re a Member, AAA will send a technician to test your battery, give you a jump start, or install a new one on the spot for a special Members-only price.

From routine maintenance to major repairs, AAA ASE-certified technicians have you covered. Plus, AAA Members save 10% on labor (up to $75), backed by an extended warranty on parts and labor.**

Man standing outside of car petting dog

No matter what you drive, AAA is here to help you find the coverage that’s right for you. Discover the security, service, and savings that come with AAA Auto Insurance.

AAA representative helping member inside AAA branch

Head to your local AAA branch for quick, easy, and convenient DMV services like vehicle registration renewal, transfer of ownership, and more.

Woman adjusting volume of radio in car

Find a great price on your next car. Build and price the vehicle you want, see what other drivers paid for it, then get a fair price from a dealer near you.

AAA representative performing a car seat inspection

Keep your child safe in the car with help from AAA. We provide child car seat inspections and  helpful tips for caregivers.

EV being charged

Are you going electric? AAA will help you find the EV of your dreams, get you up-to-speed on switching to an EV, and point you toward incentives for going green.

Woman driving and checking blind spot for traffic

AAA Members get a discount on a science-backed AAA driver education course. This self-paced online course is for new and teen drivers.

AAA Member requesting roadside assistance

AAA Roadside Assistance will come to your aid when you're stranded on the side of the road with an empty tank, flat tire, or mechanical trouble.

Car driving down street with mountains in the distance

AAA Members enjoy exclusive rental car discounts and VIP perks such as a free child seat and a complimentary pass to skip the airport car rental counter.

person pumping gas

Save at the pump with the AAA gas price finder. With this tool, gas prices are organized and updated at the national, state, and metro levels.

AAA Mobile APP

Download the AAA Mobile App to view your Membership card anytime from anywhere. Request roadside assistance and track your service vehicle’s arrival.

Senior citizens driving

AAA is committed to providing senior drivers with the tools they need to navigate life safely. Senior Members have access to driving skills programs, helpful articles, and other resources.

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How to determine if you really need additional services done on your car.

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Learn the causes of low engine oil pressure and how it affects your car's performance.

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