Child Passenger Safety

We’re committed to teaching caregivers how to keep their youngest passengers safe on the road.
Seat belts and child safety seats are the most effective way to protect children against serious injuries and deaths in motor vehicle crashes.
AAA supports families by offering resources and information to help.
Look to a nationally certified child passenger safety technician at AAA to help you install and use a car seat correctly.
By taking a minute to answer just a few questions in our online questionnaire, you can help keep your youngest passengers safe on the road.

AAA Car Seat Inspections
According to the National Digital Car Seat Check Form (NDCF) database, more than half of all car seats inspected by Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPSTs) are improperly installed and used. Yet, a general consumer survey revealed only 1 in 5 parents and caregivers seek expert help installing a car seat or securing a child in a car seat.
Should you need or want help, let a AAA CPST take the worry out of it. Schedule your free 1-hour car seat inspection. Here’s some of what to expect at your inspection appointment:
- We'll check to see if the car seat has been recalled.
- We'll ensure you're using the correct seat based on the age, weight, and height of your child.
- We’ll inspect your car seat’s installation and use and guide you through any corrections
Car seat articles from Via
AAA Online Car Seat Inspections
Waiver & Release Agreement
I understand and agree that the sole purpose of this program is to help reduce the incidence of the improper installation of child restraints; that this inspection is being provided as a free educational service to me; that this program cannot fully evaluate the quality, safety or condition of the child restraint, the child restraint provided (if any) or any component of my vehicle, including the seats or safety belts; and that this program cannot guarantee my child's safety in a vehicle collision. I understand that a properly used child restraint can significantly reduce fatal injury and that it is important to read both the vehicle and child restraint instruction manuals. For these reasons, and on behalf of myself and the named child, I hereby release AAA Northern California, Nevada and Utah and its affiliates and subsidiaries and any other program participants and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively "AAA") from any present or future liability for any consequences, losses, property damage or physical injuries, foreseen or unforeseen, and caused or not caused by negligence, that may result from the use of the child restraint, a vehicle collision, and/or arising out of or in connection with the child passenger safety inspection program.