Ask an Agent: How Can I Save Money on Auto Insurance?

AAA offers multiple ways to save on your annual premium.

In our Ask an Agent series, we answer popular questions about car insurance with expert advice from AAA Insurance agents. In this installment, agent Jennifer Rodriguez offers some tips for getting discounts on your insurance premiums.

How can I lower my auto insurance rate?

Rodriguez: This is a conversation I have with people every day as companies raise their rates. One discount from AAA is SMARTtrek, which is like the Good Driver discount. Our existing and new clients can get a 10 percent discount for having their driving habits monitored. I’m also offering an eValue discount of 5 percent to people who want to go paperless [with billing]. When you’re coming up for renewal, between those two discounts, you can get up to 15 percent off. (Note: SMARTtrek and eValue are not available in California.)

I’m driving less in 2022 than I did before. Can I save on auto coverage?

Rodriguez: Right now, with all of the changes over the past few years, there are still people who are out of work or working from home, and our seniors aren’t really going out. We can take a look at your coverage to see if you should make any changes. If you aren’t commuting to work, should you keep the medical on your policy? Or change your deductible? I don’t like customers to lower their liability, because you can go out driving one time and have an accident. But check your deductibles. Do they make sense? If you’re only driving your car a couple times a week, maybe you can lower your deductible.

What other ways can I trim my auto insurance bill?

Rodriguez: If you can afford it, you might be able to get a discount on your annual premium if you pay in full—AAA offers a 7 percent discount if you do so. AAA can take a credit card, and a lot of people like the [rewards] points they get from using one. The multipolicy discount is another option: If you have your auto insurance with another company and you call AAA to do your home insurance, you’re missing out on a discount. You get a 25 percent discount on home insurance if you also have auto insurance with AAA, so bundling your policies is a great way to save money!

About the Agent

Jennifer Rodriguez has been an insurance agent with AAA for 17 years.

  • Favorite vacation spot: Florida. There is so much to do.
  • Hobbies: Water sports like skiing, wakeboarding, and scuba diving.
  • First car: Ford Mustang.
  • Best job perk: Being able to help people save money and get proper protection.
  • Best advice received: Your children will not remember all the things you were there for, but they will remember the things you missed.
  • Favorite books: The Silo series by Hugh Howey.

How to contact AAA Insurance agent Jennifer Rodriguez:

AAA West Lake Mead Branch

7501 W Lake Mead Blvd., Ste. 106

Las Vegas, Nevada

(702) 577-9233

Provides assistance in English.

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